Before you begin you will need a way to save files to your device. We suggest a free app named
Documents 6. Use that link to install it from the app store.
Login at and Download your raw data, use 'Documents' to save it to your device.
This is the top of that page
Scroll down to enter your password
Click the 'Download Raw Data' button
Click 'Import with Documents', which was installed from
Your raw data is now saved on your ipad/iphone
Review the license and click 'I agree'
This is the front page
Scroll down to where you can see the green buttons
If 'Documents' isn't shown click 'more'
Click on the filename for your raw data
A progress bar will show the upload happening
After the upload, you'll need to wait roughly 1 minute while we check the file format
You will be prompted for payment information