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From SNPedia
(Redirected from Help (magnitude))

See also Max Magnitude, Genotype, Genoset and Repute and Promethease/Learn_More

Magnitude is a subjective measure of interest varying from 0 to 10. Over time it should be adjusted up or down by the community. It is generally interpreted as follows...

Magnitude Description
0 You have the common genotype, for which nothing interesting is known.
0.1 You have the common genotype, but its interesting that this varies for others
1 Semi-plausible but not very exciting
(blank) No one has yet assigned a magnitude. Treated as a 1.
2 looks interesting enough to be worth reading
2.1 hmm, interesting
3 Probably worth your time
4 Male/Female sex calls, used for QC, anything above this is definitely something you should pay attention to
10 Really significant information!

Numbers bigger than 10 are allowed and expected in the future. Since User:Watson and User:Steven Pinker requested not to learn their APOE4 gs216 status that serves as useful a landmark in the scale. Several rare genotypes are higher magnitude. The genotypes with highest magnitude are

rs1801253(C;C)1.1responds well to bucindolol; may also depend on rs1801252
rs17822931(C;C)2Wet earwax. Normal body odour. Normal colostrum.
rs17822931(T;T)2.5GoodDry earwax. No body odour. Likely Asian ancestry. Reduced colostrum.
rs16891982(C;C)1.1Goodgenerally non-European, but if European, 7x more likely to have black hair
rs16891982(G;G)1.1Generally European; Light skin; Possibly an increased risk of melanoma
rs1426654(A;A)2.7probably light-skinned, European ancestry
rs1426654(G;G)2.6probably darker-skinned, Asian or African ancestry
rs351855(T;T)2.9Bad2x increased prostate cancer risk; among breast cancer patients, herceptin is less effective
... further results

The genosets with the highest magnitude are

Gs14910Testing for orientation issues
Gs31810BadUnsupported platform
Gs3007Data Quality issue. Your data provider is reporting heterozygosity on the Y chromosome.
Gs3037WeGene quality control issues.
Gs3066.5BadPoor metabolizer of fluoropyrimidines (e.g. 5-fluorouracil, capecitabine or tegafur).
Gs3146BadMUTYH-associated polyposis (and colon cancer risk)
Gs2166Bad2 copies of the APOE-ε4 allele
Gs2286BadSickle cell affected
Gs3125.5BadIntermediate metabolizer of fluoropyrimidines (such as 5-fluorouracil and capecitabine).
... further results

See also the related concept Repute.