[PMID 24035903] The -974 C>A (rs3087459) gene polymorphism in the endothelin gene (EDN1) is associated with risk of developing acute coronary syndrome in Mexican patients
[PMID 15942023
] Genome amplification of single sperm using multiple displacement amplification.
[PMID 17960156] Polymorphisms in the endothelin-1 (EDN1) are associated with asthma in two populations.
[PMID 18663623] Polymorphisms of the endothelin-1 gene associate with hypertension in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
[PMID 28901422] Association between endothelin‑1 and fibromyalgia syndrome.
[PMID 29441862] Association of endothelin-1 gene single-nucleotide polymorphisms and haplotypes with risk of hormone refractory prostate cancer.
[PMID 31981468
] Endothelin-1 rs9296344 associates with the susceptibility of childhood primary nephrotic syndrome.