Delayed sleep phase possible; tendency to be a night owl?
Delayed sleep phase possible; tendency to be a night owl?
rs184039278, also known as c.1657+3A>C, is a variant in the CRY1 gene on chromosome 12. Around 1 in 75 Caucasians carry the minor allele of this SNP.
Acting in a dominant manner, the rs184039278(G) allele (as oriented in dbSNP) was observed in individuals who had delayed sleep phase disorder (DSPD), characterized by staying up later (i.e. being night owls). Although this initial report is based on less than 10 families, all of whom are Turkish, the correlation observed for the ~70 individuals studied (8 homozygous carriers, 31 heterozygous carriers, 31 non-carriers) was close to 100%, suggesting this variant is of high penetrance.
[PMID 28388406
Note that since the reported number of "night owls" is larger than 1 in 75, even if this variant turns out to be a cause of staying up late at night (and fragmented sleep patterns and related sleep disorder), there are going to be many night owls who do not carry the variant allele of this SNP and who have other causes (genetic or otherwise) for their sleep habits.