[PMID 20141544] FcepsilonRIalpha gene (FCER1A) promoter polymorphisms and total serum IgE levels in Japanese atopic dermatitis patients.
[PMID 18781403] Single-stranded conformation polymorphism (SSCP)-driven indirect sequencing in detection of short deletion.
[PMID 18846228
] Genome-wide scan on total serum IgE levels identifies FCER1A as novel susceptibility locus.
[PMID 25029546
] A Disease Marker for Aspirin-Induced Chronic Urticaria
[PMID 25923080
] An Exploratory Pilot Study of Genetic Marker for IgE-Mediated Allergic Diseases with Expressions of FcεR1α and Cε
[PMID 29243845] FcεR1α gene polymorphism shows association with high IgE and anti-FcεR1α in Chronic Rhinosinusitis with Nasal Polyposis.