rs61731956, also known as c.1244G>A, p.Arg415Gln or R415Q, represents a rare mutation in the NR1H3 gene on chromosome 11. This mutation is a missense mutation causing the loss of function of its gene product, the LXRA protein.
Based on a study of seven multiple sclerosis patients from two families presenting with severe, progessive disease (and an average onset of 34 years), the rs61731956(A) allele was estimated to be causative for multiple sclerosis, with individuals carrying this mutation having a 70% chance of developing the disease. The authors note that "the presence of seemingly unaffected obligate carriers and one male sibling at age 55 indicates that the penetrance of the mutation is incomplete, and additional genetic or environmental factors may be required for the onset of MS".[PMID 27253448
However comments in pubmed on the original article and then a replication analysis in a much larger sample collection 10.1101/061366 strongly suggest this is not real.