[PMID 20500087
] Age-Related Susceptibility to Severe Malaria Associated with Galectin-2 in Highland Papuans
[PMID 22310064] Polymorphisms of LTA, LGALS2, and PSMA6 genes and coronary atherosclerosis: a pathological study of 1503 consecutive autopsy cases
[PMID 16468038] Genotype of galectin 2 (LGALS2) is associated with insulin-glucose profile in the British Women's Heart and Health Study.
[PMID 17098239] LGALS2 functional variant rs7291467 is not associated with susceptibility to myocardial infarction in Caucasians.
[PMID 17517687] Association of variants in the BAT1-NFKBIL1-LTA genomic region with protection against myocardial infarction in Europeans.
[PMID 17767904
] Genetic and genomic insights into the molecular basis of atherosclerosis.
[PMID 18506375] Association of genetic variants with atherothrombotic cerebral infarction in Japanese individuals with metabolic syndrome.
[PMID 21831908] Galectin-2 expression is dependent on the rs7291467 polymorphism and acts as an inhibitor of arteriogenesis.
Coronary Heart Disease