[PMID 23397474
] Polymorphisms of CHRNA5-CHRNA3-CHRNB4 Gene Cluster and NSCLC Risk in Chinese Population
[PMID 18165968
] Identification of pharmacogenetic markers in smoking cessation therapy.
[PMID 18519524
] Variants in nicotinic receptors and risk for nicotine dependence.
[PMID 19443489
] Risk for nicotine dependence and lung cancer is conferred by mRNA expression levels and amino acid change in CHRNA5.
[PMID 19654303
] Deciphering the impact of common genetic variation on lung cancer risk: a genome-wide association study.
[PMID 19706762
] The CHRNA5-CHRNA3-CHRNB4 nicotinic receptor subunit gene cluster affects risk for nicotine dependence in African-Americans and in European-Americans.
[PMID 22914670] Association of IREB2 and CHRNA3/5 polymorphisms with COPD and COPD-related phenotypes in a Chinese Han population.