[PMID 21733517] Fine mapping of chromosome 3q22.3 identifies two haplotype blocks in ESYT3 associated with coronary artery disease in female Han Chinese
[PMID 19956433
] Genetics of coronary artery disease: focus on genome-wide association studies.
[PMID 20835900
] Genetics of diabetes complications.
[PMID 21984477] Genomic risk variants at 1p13.3, 1q41, and 3q22.3 are associated with subsequent cardiovascular outcomes in healthy controls and in established coronary artery disease.
[PMID 22664914
] MicroRNA-mediated regulation of gene expression is affected by disease-associated SNPs within the 3'-UTR via altered RNA structure.
GWAS snp
[PMID 24262325 ]
Coronary artery disease
Shared genetic susceptibility to ischemic stroke and coronary artery disease: a genome-wide analysis of common variants.
Risk Allele
Odds Ratio
1.11 [1.07-1.15]
[PMID 27263109] A Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism in C12orf43 Region is Associated with the Risk of Coronary Artery Disease in a Pakistani Cohort.
[PMID 32858814
] Association of the PSRC1 rs599839 Variant with Coronary Artery Disease in a Mexican Population.