[PMID 20350585] Extremely rare incidence of the UBQLN1 polymorphism (UBQ-8i) in Taiwan Chinese with Alzheimer's disease
[PMID 22272618] UBQ-8i polymorphism is not an independent risk factor for mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease in APOE-4 carriers
[PMID 16278862] Ubiquilin 1 polymorphisms are not associated with late-onset Alzheimer's disease.
[PMID 16504527] Association study of the Ubiquilin gene with Alzheimer's disease.
[PMID 17709205] Relationship of the Ubiquilin 1 gene with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease and cognitive function.
[PMID 18076107
] Confronting complexity in late-onset Alzheimer disease: application of two-stage analysis approach addressing heterogeneity and epistasis.
[PMID 25010605] Association of UBQ-8i polymorphism with Alzheimer's disease in Caucasians: a meta-analysis