common in complete genomics
[PMID 19373123] Genetic variants altering dopamine D2 receptor expression or function modulate the risk of opiate addiction and the dosage requirements of methadone substitution
[PMID 19512960] Genetic diagnostics of functional variants of the human dopamine D2 receptor gene
[PMID 19968402
] Evaluation of genetic variability in the dopamine receptor D2 in relation to behavioral inhibition and impulsivity/sensation seeking: an exploratory study with d-amphetamine in healthy participants
[PMID 19393722
] Genetic contributions to avoidance-based decisions: striatal D2 receptor polymorphisms.
[PMID 19693267
] Financial and psychological risk attitudes associated with two single nucleotide polymorphisms in the nicotine receptor (CHRNA4) gene.
[PMID 23647975
] PTSD risk associated with a functional DRD2 polymorphism in heroin-dependent cases and controls is limited to amphetamine-dependent individuals
[PMID 22579533] Binge eating disorder and the dopamine D2 receptor: genotypes and sub-phenotypes.