rs1341402 is a SNP located upstream of the DAOA (D-amino acid oxidase activator, also known as G72) and likely within the putative G30 protein on the opposite strand.
[PMID 19763662
] DAOA/G72 predicts the progression of prodromal syndromes to first episode psychosis
[PMID 12647258
] Polymorphisms at the G72/G30 gene locus, on 13q33, are associated with bipolar disorder in two independent pedigree series.
[PMID 18023149
] Allelic association of G72/G30 with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder: a comprehensive meta-analysis.
[PMID 19194963
] Common and rare variants of DAOA in bipolar disorder.
[PMID 19586533
] Evidence for the association of the DAOA (G72) gene with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder but not for the association of the DAO gene with schizophrenia.
[PMID 21443574] Association between the DAOA/G72 gene and bipolar disorder and meta-analyses in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.