common on affy axiom data
[PMID 19416960
] After taking Acetaminophen (Tylenol®), rs1467558(A;G) individuals have higher alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels, a sign of liver toxicity, than do (G;G) homozygotes. More studies are needed; there was only 1 (A;A) individual, and he didn't show elevated ALT levels; furthermore, the ALT increases were "modest" anyway for (A;G) individuals compared to (G;G). see also: 23andMe blog
Note: the orientation of this SNP in SNPedia is as detailed in dbSNP, but in publications (including 23andMe's blog) the orientation is 'flipped', so what's (A;A) in dbSNP is (T;T) as discussed by the 23andMe blog.
[PMID 17903303
] Genome-wide association study for subclinical atherosclerosis in major arterial territories in the NHLBI's Framingham Heart Study.
[PMID 18194558
] A hierarchical and modular approach to the discovery of robust associations in genome-wide association studies from pooled DNA samples.