[PMID 19156166
] A study of 591 French Caucasian multiple sclerosis trio families found no association between rs1990760 or rs2068330 and the disease, which did not confirm one previously reported study.
[PMID 18285833] IFIH1-GCA-KCNH7 locus: influence on multiple sclerosis risk.
[PMID 18927125
] IFIH1 polymorphisms are significantly associated with type 1 diabetes and IFIH1 gene expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells.
[PMID 19956101
] Overview of the Rapid Response data.
[PMID 19956106
] Analysis of 19 genes for association with type I diabetes in the Type I Diabetes Genetics Consortium families.
[PMID 19956109
] The Type I Diabetes Genetics Consortium 'Rapid Response' family-based candidate gene study: strategy, genes selection, and main outcome.
[PMID 19961590
] The rs1990760 polymorphism within the IFIH1 locus is not associated with Graves' disease, Hashimoto's thyroiditis and Addison's disease.
[PMID 20644636
] Study of transcriptional effects in Cis at the IFIH1 locus.