common in complete genomics
Rs2856758 is a SNP in the CCR5 gene (CC-chemokine receptor type 5). Variants in CCR5 are associated with resistance to HIV infection. [1]
Another mutation in this gene, rs333 (also known as the CCR5-delta32 deletion), is associated with resistance to HIV. This mutation may have spread in the European population in response to selection pressure from plague (Black Death) or smallpox. [2]
[PMID 16055130] Polymorphisms in the CC-chemokine receptor-2 (CCR2) and -5 (CCR5) genes and risk of coronary heart disease among US women.
[PMID 20206716
] Genetic variation within the gene encoding the HIV-1 CCR5 coreceptor in two South African populations.
[PMID 20552027
] Host and viral genetic correlates of clinical definitions of HIV-1 disease progression.