[PMID 19475618] TLR3 gene polymorphisms and liver disease manifestations in chronic hepatitis C
[PMID 19902255
] Rubella vaccine-induced cellular immunity: evidence of associations with polymorphisms in the Toll-like, vitamin A and D receptors, and innate immune response genes
[PMID 18598732
] Vaccine immunogenetics: bedside to bench to population.
[PMID 18847302
] Personalized vaccines: the emerging field of vaccinomics.
[PMID 19505919
] Toll-like receptor signaling pathway variants and prostate cancer mortality.
[PMID 21872627] Association of polymorphisms in TLR genes and in genes of the Toll-like receptor signaling pathway with cancer risk.
[PMID 31741776
] Toll-like receptor 3 -926T>A increased the risk of breast cancer through decreased transcriptional activity.