[PMID 20160194] Comprehensive analysis of genomic variation in the LPA locus and its relationship to plasma lipoprotein(a) in South Asians, Chinese, and European Caucasians
[PMID 21283670] Single-nucleotide polymorphisms in LPA explain most of the ancestry-specific variation in Lp(a) levels in African Americans.
[PMID 23230442] Association study of lipoprotein(a) genetic markers, traditional risk factors, and coronary heart disease in HIV-1-infected patients
[PMID 23978127] Lack of association between lipoprotein(a) genetic variants and subsequent cardiovascular events in Chinese Han patients with coronary artery disease after percutaneous coronary intervention
[PMID 30594920] Investigation of LPA sequence variants rs6415084, rs3798220 with conventional coronary artery disease in Iranian CAD patients.