1-3 body mass index units heavier on average
[PMID 17658951
- Within the PFKP gene, rs6602024 showed very strong association with BMI (p = 4.9 * 10-6). Homozygotes for the rare "A" allele of this SNP (minor allele frequency = 0.12) were 1.8 BMI units heavier than homozygotes for the common "G" allele.
- They did not replicate association between rs6602024 and obesity-related traits in the GenNet sample, although they found that in European Americans, Hispanic Americans and African Americans, homozygotes for the rare "A" allele where, on average, 1.0 - 3.0 BMI units heavier than homozygotes for the more common "G" allele.
Furthermore, a study of 18,000 Danish subjects also failed to find any direct role for this SNP in the development of obesity.[PMID 18682847
[PMID 18325910
] Genome-wide association scans identified CTNNBL1 as a novel gene for obesity.
[PMID 20018076
] Tests for candidate-gene interaction for longitudinal quantitative traits measured in a large cohort.
[PMID 20712903
] Obesity and diabetes genes are associated with being born small for gestational age: results from the Auckland Birthweight Collaborative study.
[PMID 22993228
] Novel genetic variants associated with lumbar disc degeneration in northern Europeans: a meta-analysis of 4600 subjects.