rs6733839 is a SNP in the bridging integrator 1 BIN1 gene.
BIN1 is a well established risk gene for Alzheimer's disease which was recently confirmed in the International Genomics of Alzheimer's Project (IGAP) study.
This SNP has a population attributable fraction for AD of 8.1 which is second only to APOE4's of 27.3.
The minor allele T is the risk allele with an associated odds ratio of 1.22 (1.18–1.25) and P-value = 7 x 10^^-44.
rs6733839 and rs744373 are less than 2,000 base pairs apart,and they have similar ORs and MAFs. Therefore, it seems reasonable to suspect that these 2 SNPs are actually reporting the same signal.
rs744373 rs6733839 1805 0.580 0.909 None chr2 127609280
This line is taken from the SNAP file for rs744373 . The first two entries identify the SNPs, then the base pair distance between them, their r^^2, DPrime, arrays present on, chromosome number, and the location.
[PMID 24443964
] Review: The genetics of Alzheimer's disease; putting flesh on the bones
[PMID 26947052
] Potential contribution of the Alzheimer׳s disease risk locus BIN1 to episodic memory performance in cognitively normal Type 2 diabetes elderly.