[PMID 21857968] Role of novelty seeking personality traits as mediator of the association between COMT and onset age of drug use in Chinese heroin dependent patients
[PMID 18937309] Sexually dimorphic effects of four genes (COMT, SLC6A2, MAOA, SLC6A4) in genetic associations of ADHD: a preliminary study.
[PMID 19094200] Genetic variation in the catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) gene and morphine requirements in cancer patients with pain.
[PMID 21656904] Association between polymorphisms in catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) and cocaine-induced paranoia in European-American and African-American populations.
[PMID 23155402] Pathways to Age of Onset of Heroin Use: A Structural Model Approach Exploring the Relationship of the COMT Gene, Impulsivity and Childhood Trauma