[PMID 22552845
] XM: Association Testing on the X-Chromosome in Case-Control Samples With Related Individuals
[PMID 16848906
] Genetic polymorphisms in monoamine neurotransmitter systems show only weak association with acute post-surgical pain in humans.
[PMID 19018232
] Comparison of the genotyping results using DNA obtained from blood and saliva.
[PMID 19693267
] Financial and psychological risk attitudes associated with two single nucleotide polymorphisms in the nicotine receptor (CHRNA4) gene.
[PMID 19772600
] A comparison of classification methods for predicting Chronic Fatigue Syndrome based on genetic data.
[PMID 21445666] Family-based association analysis of alcohol dependence in the COGA sample and replication in the Australian twin-family study.