mixed evidence of Alzheimer's disease risk
rs9886784, a intergenic SNP on chromosome 9, is reported to influence the risk for Alzheimer's disease based on a study of ~1100 Canadian patients. The risk allele is (A); the odds ratio is 3.23 (CI: 1.79 - 5.84). [PMID 17998437]
[PMID 19204163
] GAB2 as an Alzheimer disease susceptibility gene: follow-up of genomewide association results.
Meta-analysis did NOT show rs9886784 with consistent evidence for association with AD across the investigated data sets:
Genetic association analysis testing of 4 GWA signals (rs7101429 [GAB2], rs7019241 [GOLM1], rs10519262 [chromosome 15q], and rs9886784 [chromosome 9p]) using family-based methods. In the combined analyses, only rs7101429 in GAB2 yielded significant evidence of association with the same allele as in the original GWA study (P =.002). The results are in agreement with recent meta-analyses of this and other GAB2 polymorphisms suggesting approximately a 30% decrease in risk for AD among carriers of the minor alleles. None of the other 3 tested loci showed consistent evidence for association with AD across the investigated data sets.
[PMID 19640594
] Recent insights into the molecular genetics of dementia.