common in complete genomics
[PMID 20635188] Missense mutations in the APOL1 gene are highly associated with end stage kidney disease risk previously attributed to the MYH9 gene
[PMID 20124285] Dense mapping of MYH9 localizes the strongest kidney disease associations to the region of introns 13 to 15
[PMID 20144966] African ancestry allelic variation at the MYH9 gene contributes to increased susceptibility to non-diabetic end-stage kidney disease in Hispanic Americans.
[PMID 20634883] Worldwide distribution of the MYH9 kidney disease susceptibility alleles and haplotypes: evidence of historical selection in Africa.
[PMID 22956460] Genetic variation in APOL1 and MYH9 genes is associated with chronic kidney disease among Nigerians.